Technical Assistance is the provision of information, advice, training and consultation provided to a child care operation to help comply with, maintain, and/or more effectively meet minimum standards and achieve program excellence. This page holds a collection of resources commonly used by Child Care Licensing staff to provide Technical Assistance.

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Technical Assistance Documents

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Program: Day Care (Continued on the next page)
 Operation Type: Before/After School Program (Continued on the next page)
   2022 Child Care Relief Fund The Texas Workforce Commission wants to help your child care business thrive as we continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. TWC will invite child care programs to apply in early 2022. This funding will reimburse allowable, documented operational costs including personnel (payroll, wage stipends, retention bonuses, etc.) incurred between September 1, 2021 and May 31, 2023. (English)Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Inspections and Investigations - TAC 745, Scope, Administration, and Communication, Texas Family Code, Chapter 261
   2022 Child Care Relief Fund - Fondo de Ayuda para el Cuidado Infantil La Comisión de la Fuerza Laboral de Texas desea que su negocio prospere mientras continuamos recuperándonos de los efectos de la pandemia COVID-19. TWC will invite child care programs to apply in early 2022. This funding will reimburse allowable, documented operational costs including personnel (payroll, wage stipends, retention bonuses, etc.) incurred between September 1, 2021 and May 31, 2023. (Spanish)Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Regulation - TAC 745, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Accommodating Special Diets in Child Care Tips for accommodating special diets ranging from food allergies to parental preferences. (English)Nutrition and Food Service, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Accommodating Special Diets in Child Care (Spanish) Tips for accommodating special diets ranging from food allergies to parental preferences. (Spanish)Nutrition and Food Service, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Accommodating Special Diets in Child Care (Vietnamese) Tips for accommodating special diets ranging from food allergies to parental preferences. (Vietnamese)Nutrition and Food Service, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Active Shooter Emergency Action Plan Template This emergency action plan template is to help organizations prepare their personnel for active shooter scenarios. (English)Fire Safety, Personnel, Safety Practices, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Active Shooter Resource: What You Can Do Run, Hide, Fight-resource to share with staff to prepare for an active shooter scenario. (English)Personnel, Safety Practices, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Active Supervision at a Glance Supervision strategies that allow children to explore their environment safely while being directly supervised. (English)Active Play, Activities, Field Trips, Personnel
   Adapting the Child Care Environment for Special Needs Many child care providers work with children who have disabilities or special needs. Remember that children with special needs are children first, and have more similarities than differences from children without disabilities. (English)Active Play, Activities, Personnel, Physical Facilities
   Adapting the Child Care Environment for Special Needs (Spanish) Many child care providers work with children who have disabilities or special needs. Remember that children with special needs are children first, and have more similarities than differences from children without disabilities. (Spanish)Active Play, Activities, Personnel, Physical Facilities, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Adapting the Child Care Environment for Special Needs (Vn) Many child care providers work with children who have disabilities or special needs. Remember that children with special needs are children first, and have more similarities than differences from children without disabilities. (Vietnamese)Active Play, Activities, Health Practices, Personnel, Physical Facilities, Ratios and Group Sizes, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Adapting Toys and Play Materials Although adaptation is most commonly associated with children with disabilities, toys can and should be adapted whenever any child – or group of children – needs extra assistance. The following ideas illustrate ways that early childhood toys and play materials can be adapted. (English)Active Play, Activities
   Adapting Toys and Play Materials (Spanish) Although adaptation is most commonly associated with children with disabilities, toys can and should be adapted whenever any child – or group of children – needs extra assistance. The following ideas illustrate ways that early childhood toys and play materials can be adapted. (Spanish)Active Play, Activities, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Adapting Toys and Play Materials (Vn) Although adaptation is most commonly associated with children with disabilities, toys can and should be adapted whenever any child – or group of children – needs extra assistance. The following ideas illustrate ways that early childhood toys and play materials can be adapted. (Vietnamese)Active Play, Activities, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Adding Minimum Standards to Smart Devices (iOS) Updated guide to add the minimum standards to your smart device. (iOS/iPhone/iPad)(English) (English)Abuse/Neglect Definitions - TAC 745, Actions - TAC 745, Active Play, Activities, Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Background Checks - TAC 745, Discipline, Field Trips, Fire Safety, Health Practices, Human Resources Code, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, Chapter 43, Immunizations - TAC 745, Inspections and Investigations - TAC 745, Naptime, Nutrition and Food Service, Personnel, Physical Facilities, Pools, Ratios and Group Sizes, Record Keeping, Regulation - TAC 745, Safety Practices, Scope, Administration, and Communication, Texas Family Code, Chapter 261, Transportation
   After the Hurricane-Keeping Children Safe Keep children safe and at ease through the wait and associated cleanup of Hurricane Harvey (English)Activities, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Ages and Stages - Preschoolers/ Pre-Kindergarteners This document provides an overview of the characteristics of children ages three to five years. (English)Activities
   Ages and Stages - Preschoolers/ Pre-Kindergarteners (Sp) This document provides an overview of the characteristics of children ages three to five years. (Spanish)Activities
   Ages and Stages - Preschoolers/ Pre-Kindergarteners (Vn) This document provides an overview of the characteristics of children ages three to five years. (Vietnamese)Activities
   Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan by AAP (Updated) Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan by AAP (Updated) In situations when you are not with your child, these written plans will also arm nurses, teachers, coaches, parents, relatives, babysitters, etc. with the tools they need in the event of an emergency. (English)Actions - TAC 745, Active Play, Activities, Field Trips, Health Practices, Nutrition and Food Service, Personnel, Regulation - TAC 745, Safety Practices, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Anchor It Initiative Anchor items such as TV's, bookshelves (English)Health Practices, Physical Facilities, Safety Practices
   Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play Safe sleep and tummy time information from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Obtained from Healthy (English)Active Play, Activities, Health Practices, Naptime, Safety Practices
   Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play (Spanish) Safe sleep and tummy time information from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Obtained from Healthy (Spanish)Active Play, Activities, Health Practices, Naptime, Safety Practices
   Background Check Process Timeline_Spanish A timeline of the background check process (Spanish)Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Background Checks - TAC 745, Regulation - TAC 745, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Basic Tools for Guiding Young Children's Behavior Basic tools that can be used to guide children's behaviors in a positive and consistent direction. The importance of focusing on positive behaviors, providing constructive feedback, and teaching children how to correct the effects of their behavior. (English)Discipline, Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Basic Tools for Guiding Young Children's Behavior. (Spanish) Basic tools that can be used to guide children's behaviors in a positive and consistent direction. The importance of focusing on positive behaviors, providing constructive feedback, and teaching children how to correct the effects of their behavior. (Spanish)Discipline, Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Basic Tools for Guiding Young Children's Behaviors. (Vietnamese) Basic tools that can be used to guide children's behaviors in a positive and consistent direction. The importance of focusing on positive behaviors, providing constructive feedback, and teaching children how to correct the effects of their behavior. (Vietnamese)Discipline, Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Benefits of Becoming a Regulated Child Care Provider [ENG] This flyer shares with potential child care providers the benefits of becoming a regulated child care provider and is aimed at expanding the child care community. [English] (English)Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Benefits of Becoming a Regulated Child Care Provider [SPN] [Spanish]This flyer shares with potential child care providers the benefits of becoming a regulated child care provider and is aimed at expanding the child care community. Available in (Spanish)Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Human Resources Code, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, Chapter 43, Regulation - TAC 745, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Benefits of Choosing Regulated Child Care This flyer provides the public and parents with the benefits of choosing regulated child care and guides them to use (English)Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Human Resources Code, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, Chapter 43, Regulation - TAC 745, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Benefits of Choosing Regulated Child Care [SPN] [Spanish] This flyer provides the public and parents with the benefits of choosing regulated child care and guides them to use (Spanish)Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Human Resources Code, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, Chapter 43, Regulation - TAC 745, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Blood Lead Levels in Children Lead exposure occurs when a child comes in contact with lead by swallowing or breathing in lead or lead dust. After a child inhales or swallows lead, it quickly enters the blood. There is no safe level of lead in blood. Learn more on how you can protect children from lead. (English)Health Practices, Human Resources Code, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, Chapter 43, Physical Facilities, Safety Practices
   Books Beginning at Birth - Information for Families (Eng) If you live in a Texas Opportunity Zone and have young children (birth to 4 years old), you can sign up to get 3 books every 6 months delivered to you! information from TXAEYC and Bookspring (English)Active Play, Activities, Naptime, Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Books Beginning at Birth - Information for Families (Spn) If you live in a Texas Opportunity Zone and have young children (birth to 4 years old), you can sign up to get 3 books every 6 months delivered to you! information from TXAEYC and Bookspring (Spanish)Active Play, Activities, Naptime, Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Books Beginning at Birth - Information for Partners (Eng) If your organization or agency serves children 4 and under, we need your help to reach all families living in Texas Opportunity Zones. Apply to host a book distribution event! (English)Active Play, Activities, Naptime, Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Books Beginning at Birth - Information for Partners (Spn) Apply to host a book distribution event! Si su organización o agencia atiende a niños menores de 4 años, necesitamos su ayuda para contactar a todas las familias que viven en las Zonas de Oportunidad de Texas. ¡Pueden aplicar para organizar una distribución de libros! (Spanish)Active Play, Activities, Naptime, Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Bringing ECI Services to Families through Telehealth The Texas Health and Human Services Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program works with families of children, birth to 36 months, who have developmental delays or disabilities. ECI services are now also available through telehealth. (English)Active Play, Activities, Health Practices, Personnel, Record Keeping, Regulation - TAC 745, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   CACFP Child Meal Pattern-Chart USDA Child Meal Pattern 2016 (English)Nutrition and Food Service
   CACFP Child Meal Plan Updated 2017 USDA recently revised the CACFP meal patterns to ensure children and adults have access to healthy, balanced meals throughout the day. (English)Nutrition and Food Service
   CACFP Meal Pattern Resources Helpful links and resources for Child Care providers on implementing the CACFP Meal Patterns in their centers, homes and programs. (English)Activities, Health Practices, Nutrition and Food Service, Personnel, Record Keeping, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   Carbon Monoxide Poster A poster about the dangers of Carbon Monoxide from the CDC. (English)Application and Issuance - TAC 745, Inspections and Investigations - TAC 745, Physical Facilities, Safety Practices
   Cars & Kids: How to Avoid Dangerous Situations Safety tips to prevent leaving children in hot vehicles. Safety tips to prevent leaving children in running vehicles. Safety tips for children when around parked cars. (English)Personnel, Transportation
   Cars & Kids: How to Avoid Dangerous Situations (Spanish) Safety tips to prevent leaving children in hot vehicles. Safety tips to prevent leaving children in running vehicles. Safety tips for children when around parked cars. (Spanish)Personnel, Transportation
   Cars & Kids: How to Avoid Dangerous Situations (Vietnamese) Safety tips to prevent leaving children in hot vehicles. Safety tips to prevent leaving children in running vehicles. Safety tips for children when around parked cars. (Vietnamese)Personnel, Transportation
   CDA Credentialing Process Overview CDA process broken into steps to guide the CDA candidate in the application of the CDA process. (English)Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   CDA Renewal Process Overview Steps for completion of the CDA renewal. Renewal is required every 3 years. (English)Personnel, Scope, Administration, and Communication
   CDC Human Milk Storage Guidelines An infographic provided by the CDC on Safe Storage of Breast Milk. (English)Health Practices, Nutrition and Food Service
   CDC Human Milk Storage Guidelines (Spanish) An infographic provided by the CDC on Safe Storage of Breast Milk. (Spanish)Health Practices, Nutrition and Food Service, Safety Practices
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